Our recording studio is located in the heart of Franconia and houses a sound-control room as well as 4 recording rooms on 200 square meters. Opposite to the studio our guest house is located where up to 9 people can stay overnight.


+++ The AFW Complex is a place for creative people to stay and work under perfect conditions +++

The studio offers high-quality technology combined with well-sounding rooms at top level. The recording rooms are all acoustically optimized, air-conditioned, have high ceilings, daylight and large glass doors for optimal visual contact. High-end technology with microphones from Neumann, Schoeps, Sennheiser, Beyerdynamic, Shure, Solomon, Rode; Preamplifiers of TubeTech, SPL, RME ...; Analogue summation of Neve and converters from Universal Audio ensure top sound and professional results.


Monitoring: TC/Dynaudioacoustics AIR 20
Canton ERGO RC / AS 30 Subwoofer (5.1 Surroundsystem)

DAWs: Macbook Pro 15" - 3,1 GHz Intel Core i7 (Quad) / 16 GB RAM / 1 GB SSD

Intel Core i5 750 Quad Prozessor - 2,66 GHz / 12 GB RAM
Macbook Pro 17" - 2,2 GHz Intel Core i7 (Quad) / 16 GB RAM / 1 GB SSD
Macbook Pro 15" - 2,66 GHz / 4 GB RAM
Macbook 13" - 2 GHz / 2 GB RAM

AVID Pro Tools 12.5, Steinberg Wavelab 7, Celemony Melodyne Studio Edition 3 (+ Editor)


Plugins: Waves Horizon Bundle, SSL G Master-Bus Compressor, Slate Digital VCC VTM VBC Bundel, Audioease Altiverb, Lexicon PCM, iZotope RX, Ozone, Vocal Synth, Nectar, Trash u.v.m.


Interfaces: 2 x UAD Apollo, RME Madiface, RME ADI 648 to MADI, Digidesign DIGI 003, Digi 002, MBOX


Summing Mixer: Neve 8816, Neve 8804

Tube Tech MP1a, RME MICSTASY - 8-kanaliger High-End Mic-/Line-Vorverstärker, SPL Goldmike (Class A-Röhrenverstärker)

Schoeps, Neumann, Rode, Audix, Sennheiser, Shure


Controler: Avid Artist Control, Avid Artist Mix


Instruments: Guitars: Ibanez - Joe Satriani Custom, Ibanez - 7String RG Series, Ibanez - EW20ASE-NT, Tama - TG 120-12 (12 String), Line 7 - Variax 500, Hohner Professional - ST Lead S, Fender - Stratocaster American Deluxe, Yamaha - 421, Antonio Ruben - Constructor 4, Epiphone - Pierced SG (limited edition), Epiphone - Modified Les Paul;


Amp's: Echolette, Rath Amp (Marshall 4x12 Box), Peavey Classic 30 (1x12 Speaker);


Pianos / Klaviaturen: Technics - SX P50, Yamaha Clavinova, Roland PC Series


Drums: TAMA Starclassic BUBINGA, 22"x18" BassDrum, 10"x8" + 12"x9" TomTom, 14"x12" + 16"x14" FloorTom, SNAREDRUM 14" x 06" STEEL TAMA BLACK NICKEL PLATED, SNAREDRUM 14" x 5,5" TAMA SIGNATURE SIMON PHILLIPS BRUSHED NICKEL HW,  div. CYMBALS  MEINL BYZANCE, 10", 14", 15", 17", 18", 19", 20", 22"

Software Instruments / Modelling Amps: Native Instruments - Komplete 11, Line 6 - Pod Pro, Line 6 - Pod XT Live, Digitech - GNX 2, Korg - AX 30 G;

Trumpets: Bach - Stradivarius Modell 43

Digital mixing Console: Behringer X32 Producer, YAMAHA 02R V 2.0 (ADAT, T-DIF, ANALOG I/O, AES/EBU, Cascade)

Fostex D24, Zoom H2, Zoom H4n


2 x Yamaha KX-390

Lexicon PCM 96, SPL Charisma, SPL Vitalizer Stereo, Rocktron Intellifex, TC-Electronics "TC Unity" Finalizer, M2000, Fishman Aura Spectrum...

AKG K271 MK II, Beyerdynamik DT 990, Sennheiser HD 650, 4x Sennheiser HD 380 Pro


Cables: Sommer


E-Mail: info@audiofachwerk.de
Tel: +49 151 236 40 40 8


Altheimer Str. 1

91463 Dottenheim

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